04324 263047

MSC Services

  • Chemical Peeling
    Chemical Peeling
    Chemical Peeling is a simple out patient procedure done in few minutes to achieve good results .
    Especially in melasma ,acne (pimples ) ,pigmentation of face., ageing., & skin rejuvation .
    Glycolic acid., -20% .,35 % 50%
    Trichloro acetic acid.,- 33%, 50%,
    Salicylic acid
    Lactic acid.,
    Mandelic acid.,
    MICRO dermabration is a simple procedure using Aluminium oxide crystals., & Diamond fracers.
    Can be used to rejuvanate the ageing skin. Pimple scars pox scars etc.,
    This procedure needs 5 to ten mins. this needs to be repeated at frequent intervels.
    Patients are adviced to continue sun screen for better results.